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Faith-Based Counseling

Center for Enriching Relationships has joined together with Point Loma Nazarene University’s Masters of Arts in Clinical Counseling program to train the next generation of therapists.

CER is offering low cost therapy by working alongside the
Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling Practicum students, therapists-in-training, under the supervision of licensed doctorate-level professionals. Our low fee is $10 per session and FREE for PLNU students and staff. Each therapist-in-training is able to provide a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 sessions per client.

Phone Number: (619) 858-3105 OR (619) 280-3430  

Currently, the Center for Enriching Relationships is open for business through Telehealth. If you are interested in receiving therapy through Telehealth, please leave a message at extension 146. This voicemail will be checked throughout each business day.

CER: About
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