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Green Goodness

Point Loma Nazarene University


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See what some of our Employees have to say about PLWell!

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"The PLNU Wellness Program has been a great way for me to try new things, to improve my health while earning prizes, and have fun. Whether it's tracking my steps everyday, spending time with my family, or learning about wellness topics at lunch, this program has helped me to be more aware of my health and do the things to help maintain it."

Walter Cho, Associate Professor of Biology

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"The Wellness Program at PLNU fully encompasses all aspects of a persons health, and provides a variety of events that suits everyone's needs. This has allowed me to be more aware of not only my physical health, but my mental health as well. Most of all, I love doing the community challenges through WellRight. It provides an opportunity to bond with my coworkers, and it keeps me accountable for the different challenges."

Becca Vitale, Human Resources Information System Analyst and Training Specialist

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"Getting involved in PLNU’s Wellness Program has really changed my life. Before I started participating, I always viewed wellness as just getting more exercise, which means if I had a setback in that one area I felt like I was really failing. However, with WellRight’s focus on total wellness I found a more rounded approach that meant I could feel successful in other important areas besides exercising. When I felt more successful across the board, I was able to overcome small setbacks because I could see all of the progress I had made."

Chet Kepler, Assistant Director for Data Analysis, Advancement Services

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